Sunday, December 18, 2016

The Skin Gun

A whole field of research revolves around harnessing the power of stem cells to treat many different injuries and ailments. Recently, CNN released an article about a skin gun that sprays a patient's healthy skin stem cells onto severe burns. The goal is to completely heal the severe burns, much faster than typical healing, using the patient's own stem cells.

Developed by a New York biotech firm called RenovaCare, this "CellMist System" requires just about a square inch of unwounded skin. To summarize the process, the patients' healthy skin is removed, the stem cells are isolated from the other skin tissue, suspended in a water-based solution, and sprayed onto the wound where the new skin hopefully begins to grow. The stem cells are not modified in any way, simply isolated and sprayed onto burn wounds.

This skin gun seems to hold much potential for healing burn wounds. While still an experimental treatment, the President and CEO of RenovaCare, Thomas Bold, says "We've seen already a couple dozen patients, and we're very happy about the results." See some results of this treatment for yourself, by watching the video at the link below.

Link to watch the video and learn more:

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