Saturday, December 3, 2016

Can you Ear me now?

Doctors in China are growing a new right ear for a man who lost his in a car accident. Not in a petri dish in a lab, but on the man's own arm! Dr. Guo Shuzhong, a reconstructive surgery specialist, is leading a team of doctors in a 3-part plan. In the first phase, the skin was expanded on the patient's arm using injections of water. In the second phase, some of the patient's own cartilage, shaped into the form of an ear, was placed into the arm to grow. In the third and final phase, the doctors plan to transplant the new ear onto the patient's head.

This isn't the first case of ears being grown on arms. An Australian artist by the name of Stelarc elected to grow a third ear on his arm for the sake of art. Although the ear isn't yet used for hearing, he plans to pursue further operations to install a Wi-Fi enabled microphone so that people can "tune in" to his station and listen to whatever his ear is hearing (image of Stelarc and his ear below).

Link to recent reconstructive ear story:

Link to video of this reconstructive process:

Link to 2015 Stelarc story:

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