Thursday, April 20, 2017

VSGC Conference

Yesterday I attended the annual Virginia Space Grant Consortium (VSGC) Conference. In association with NASA, the VSGC generously awards college students, at both the undergraduate and graduate level, funding to help with their research. As a graduate research fellow, I was invited to present my research and also hear about a lot of interesting research being done by others.

The topics ranged from Aerospace and Astrophysics to Chemistry and Biology. The students presenting were just as diverse as the research they discussed. The mix of students, professors, NASA engineers, and other industry professionals made for interesting conversations, and I'm sure everyone left the conference with new ideas. Some of the exciting research topics I learned about are described here:

How giant molecular clouds' magnetic fields allow for the formation of stars. 

How mammoth fossils are less degraded in different environments than others (permafrost being the best for maintaining fossil integrity).

How a new radiation-blocking material is being designed for potential use in space.

How some proteins can remain stable in extremely harsh environments (such as potential environments in space). 

How the properties of spider silk are being tested using rare, high-speed cameras.

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